The Employment Law Alliance is offering a free 90-minute webinar on Wednesday, November 16, focusing on Protecting the Crown Jewels: Managing Restrictive Covenants in European Employment Law. Webinar Description With human capital considered the key resource in the 21st century economy the question facing employers is how to protect this resource and ensure that their companies stay ahead of the competition – especially when key employees leave. This complimentary webinar will provide an overview of the most important laws and regulations in selected countries in Europe for protecting a company’s know-how, trade secrets and confidential information by using restrictive covenants. In addition, experienced panelists from Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Greece and Italy will address the following key issues for their jurisdiction:
- How best to enforce non-compete agreements (contractual or post-contractual)
- The pros and cons of using a restrictive covenants template from abroad to protect a company's trade secrets
- The costs to a company for litigating a restrictive covenant
- Preventive measures and key take-aways
Who Should Attend? The webinar is an invitation-only event exclusively for clients of ELA member law firms. The information presented will be of particular interest to:
- In-house Counsel
- Human Resources Professionals
- Corporate Executives and Business Owners
- Managers and Supervisors
- Jan Tibor Lelley, Buse Heberer Fromm, Germany, Moderator
- Jan Hofkens, Lydian, Belgium
- Sasha Stepanova, Kocián Šolc Balaštík, Czech Republic
- Rasmus Christensen, Plesner, Denmark
- Michael Leftley, Addleshaw Goddard, England & Wales
- Philippe Durand, August & Debouzy, France
- Effie Mitsopoulou, Kyriakides Georgopoulos, Greece
- Alberto Testi, Grimaldi Studio Legale, Italy
Register To register, please click here. About the Employment Law Alliance The Employment Law Alliance is the most comprehensive network of labor and employment attorneys in the world. ELA members provide employment, labor and immigration expertise in more than 135 countries around the globe and all 50 U.S. states. They work closely together to ensure that their clients’ legal matters are handled seamlessly wherever they do business. The ELA provides a smarter, more efficient and effective alternative to using a single multi-national law firm. SSEK Legal Consultants is the ELA's member firm for Indonesia. For more information, click here.