Free Employment Law Webinar

Free Employment Law Webinar
8 May 2015

The Employment Law Alliance is offering a free 90-minute webinar on Wednesday, May 20, focusing on Employee Labor Relations in Canada: A Legal Update for Employers. Canada has seen a number of changes recently in both federal and provincial law in the area of employee labor relations that impact all employers, including multijurisdictional Canadian employers. The Supreme Court of Canada's decision on the constitutional right to strike, the advent of secret ballot votes as opposed to card count under the federal jurisdiction and changes to criteria for exclusions from the bargaining unit in Saskatchewan are just a few examples. For employers headquartered outside Canada, a map to navigate the complex waters of communications during organizing and negotiations, and certification issues in differing Canadian jurisdictions is essential. This webinar brings together management labor lawyers from across Canada – and one from the U.S. to provide comparisons between the two countries – who will provide guidance on:

  • The certification and decertification processes
  • What is considered permissible communications
  • Key issues for consideration in the right to strike
  • Overview of exclusions from the bargaining unit and what constitutes good faith bargaining

Who Should Attend? This information will be of particular interest to:

  • In-house Counsel
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Corporate Executives and Business Owners

Register To register, please click here. About the ELA The Employment Law Alliance is the most comprehensive network of labor and employment attorneys in the world. ELA members provide employment, labor and immigration expertise in more than 135 countries around the globe and all 50 U.S. states. They work closely together to ensure that their clients' legal matters are handled seamlessly wherever they do business. ELA provides a smarter, more efficient and effective alternative to using a single multi-national law firm. SSEK Legal Consultants is the ELA's member firm for Indonesia. For more information, click here.

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