SSEK Law Firm and Castle Asia, a consulting firm with more than 30 years of experience in Indonesia, recently held a special event to discuss Indonesia’s planned new capital, Capital City of Nusantara (Ibu Kota Nusantara or IKN).
The event, “Nusantara’s Development Trajectory and Long-Term Planning,” featured Bambang Susantono, Presidential Special Envoy for International Cooperation on Nusantara and a leading advocate and driver of the Nusantara project.
SSEK founding partner Ira A. Eddymurthy delivered the closing remarks and SSEK partner Stephen Igor Warokka was a panelist. Stephen has toured IKN with members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham Indonesia) and the European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (EuroCham Indonesia). He helped lead a visit to IKN by a group of University of California, Berkeley alumni from Berkeley Club Indonesia.
The event was moderated by Ian Leonard Betts, the managing partner of Castle Asia.
The discussion explored the trajectory and pathway of the new capital, as well as potential long-term investment opportunities.