Events ∓ Seminars

Webinar on COVID-19: Understanding Force Majeure in the Indonesian Mining Sector
12 May 2020
CoalAsia and Petromindo.com are hosting a webinar on Wednesday, May 20, from 2-3:30 pm on COVID-19 and force majeure in the Indonesian mining sector.
SSEK will be featured at the webinar with a discussion of potential force majeure disputes between suppliers of mining commodities and their customers.
This webinar will explore potential force majeure claims by mining companies in Indonesia affected by COVID-19, look at what constitutes a force majeure event under the Mining Law and the extent to which mining companies can invoke force majeure.
Scheduled Topics
- Is COVID-19 a force majeure event for Indonesian mining companies?
- COVID-19 as force majeure und the Indonesian Mining Law.
- Potential force majeure disputes between suppliers of mining commodities and their customers.
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