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- Bima Danubrata Adhijoso
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- Laila Maghfira Andaretna
- Qafaldi Putra Ismayudha
- Ravi Amarendra
- Axel Cross
- Gabriela Eliana
Eugenia Leonetta

Eugenia Leonetta (Leon) has been involved in a variety of projects at SSEK, with a focus on personal data protection and private electronic system providers, as well as multiple corporate due diligence exercises.
While at university, Leon participated in multiple national and international English debate competitions, including the World Universities Debating Championship in South Korea, where she was the highest-scoring Indonesian delegate. She was president of the University of Indonesia’s English Debating Society, the oldest and largest debating society in the country, and is now on the society’s board of advisors.
Leon is fluent in English and Indonesian.
- University of Indonesia, S.H., 2022
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