- Dicky Tanjung
- Indrawan Dwi Yuriutomo
- Charvia Tjhai
- Juven Renaldi
- Aldilla S. Suwana
- Vinka D. A. Larasati
- Mutiara Kasih Ramadhani
- Raisya Majory
- Bima Danubrata Adhijoso
- Bianca P. Kadarisman
- Albertus Jonathan Sukardi
- Febri Ariadi
- A. Charlie R. Malessy
- Yan Diaz M. Siregar
- Medita F. Siregar
- Vivin Purnamawati
- Putri M. Ameena
- Olivia Karlina
- Dian Kirana
- Agung K. Sihombing
- Fadhira Mediana
- Kusuma W. Halim
- Velicia Khoswan
- Talitha A. Ekadhani
- Bagas Ananta
- Katherine A. Salim
- Shafira A. Hexagraha
- Eugenia Leonetta
- Alda L. Winarto
- Emilia Bunga P. Margaret
- Nathania Emily Lysandra
- Muhammad Lingga
- Rafi Adrian Rahadi
- Pasha Umar Hubeis
- Tsabita Nur Zhahira
- Tengku Adika Suryatama
- Laila Maghfira Andaretna
- Qafaldi Putra Ismayudha
- Ravi Amarendra
- Axel Cross
- Gabriela Eliana

Maria Yudhitama Eka Dewi is extensively involved in major transactions at SSEK and provides legal advice and representation in the banking, capital market, foreign investment, insurance, mergers and acquisitions, multifinance and P2P sectors for multinational and domestic companies. Her representations include Aetna, Allianz, MRT Jakarta, OVO, Pertamina, Prudential and Unilever.
Maria’s projects include advising a Taiwan-based banking holding company on the provision of security in Indonesia, acting for a multinational provider of specialty insurance and assistance services on the acquisition of a company in Indonesia, and assisting multinational reinsurance company in establishing a business presence in Indonesia.
Prior to joining SSEK, Maria worked at another prominent law firm in Jakarta, where she practiced banking and capital markets law. She also worked at the Indonesian Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Board (Bapepam-LK) at the Ministry of Finance (now the Financial Services Authority/OJK).
Maria is active in charitable work, in particular helping school dropouts continue their education.
She is a native Indonesian speaker and is fluent in English.
- Parahyangan Catholic University, S.H. (cum laude), 2009
- King’s College London, LL.M., international financial law, 2020
- Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi)
- Association of Capital Market Legal Consultants